Friday, June 29, 2007

Something really exciting happened this week. There's a little girl at the school named Andrea, who is about 4, and she has some sort of birth defect or something (sorry, I'm not very medical). Anyway, she doesn't have any ear canals, so she has a hard time hearing, and a doctor was here from Nashville and he brought her this headset thing that vibrates, converting sound waves into something, so that she can hear sound. It was so cool!! Right now they're working on fitting the headband so that it will fit her head. Above you can see Alli showing Andrea the headset for the first time.
-por Emily

I'm back helping at the school, and I'm having a great time. Having a great time, but glad everyday that I don't permanently work in an elementary school. The kids are really fun, and they love us gringos. The other day we left school to walk into town to make some copies, and when we came back the kids were at recess, and when they saw us coming, every single kid in the school ran to the's the closest thing I've ever experienced to being a famous person.
-por Emily

Getting to school in San Marcos has become quite an adventure. Our driver, Holman, drops us off at the bustop at the end of our street, on the highway. There, we have 3 options. We can wait for a bus, walk like a bazillion kilometers, or hitch a ride. We have discovered that the most cost, time, and energy effective way of travel is to hitchhike. All you have to do is simply wave at trucks as they drive by, and as soon as one stops, you just hop in the back!!

-por Emily

This is Glenda. She is in 3rd grade, and is simply precious. Glenda has trouble recognizing her numbers, so I've been working with her one on one, and some days I actually feel like we're making some progress. Hopefully by the end of the summer, Glenda will know her numbers backwards and forwards....Don't you just love those big brown eyes??

-por Emily