So, I wrote earlier about having scabies, and thought surely, since I had to suffer through skin lice, nothing else crazy would happen to me....WRONG. I was sitting outside the school talking to some of the girls during recess when I felt a sharp sting on my ankle. I´ve been bitten quite a bit since I´ve been here so of course I didn´t think anything of it. Later in the day, I happened to look down at my ankle and noticed there was a very large red spot forming. Upon further investigation I noticed that the spot was hot to the touch and very hard, it felt like scar tissue. I showed the nurse at school and she said it looked like a spider bite and it would go away. Ha! For the next few days, my bite continued to swell and be hot, but it also caused my ankle to swell. I couldn´t even see the bone in my ankle. What kind of spider makes your skin change colors, increase in temperature, and causes your ankle to swell??? A spider apparently, or at least, that´s what everybody told me. This morning I came to Choluteca for my office day and decided to show the doctor, Javier. He looked at my ankle and poked it a little and told me, in very clear English what had bitten my ankle. When I heard him, my response was, ¨A WHAT???¨ Javier had told me, that I was bitten by a cockroach like insect. Yeah, a cockroach. He said he had a bite similar to that on his face and this kind of cockroach hurts when it touches you, much less when it bites you. The bite happened 4 days ago and is still there and still swollen, although the heat has subsided. Recovery is looking bright. So, living in Honduras has been an adventure, things happened to me that have never happened before and possibly will never happen again, and this is just an example of one of the crazy things that can happen living in Honduras. Who knew there were insects like cockroaches that could bite you??
Shanna Crossland
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