Friday, July 13, 2007

International VBS

My first day of working as an intern was a mixture of working at the school and helping with VBS. I helped in the preschool room where we attepted to teach the children how to write their names. I also played a game of pictionary with them. Later the VBS group came. I have worked VBS many times in the states but this was my first international VBS experience. I got to translate for the "mariposa" (butterfly) craft group. I can't describe how awesome it was to hear the children shout "Dios" (God) when I asked them who made the butterflies. Then they each got to make their own butterflies out of coffee filters, paint, clothes pins, and pipe cleaners. Since that day I have worked two more days of VBS. I have played Mary in the skit and I have also done a puppet show. I learned that puppet shows aren't as easy as they seem and I learned just how heavy an arm can get. At the last VBS I got to help in the kitchen serving the children their juice. My heart went out to each little child as they stared up at me with their beautiful brown eyes, waiting patiently for their cup of juice. It was such a blessing to work at each VBS and to spread God's love to each child. I pray that God pours his blessings upon all the people that came here and made VBS possible.

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